Tuesday, July 10, 2007

salad, salud

Produce from our Full Circle Farm CSA box: baby bunch carrots, celery, broccoli, green beans, sunburst squash, roma tomatoes, purple onions, cauliflower, red beets, romaine lettuce, garnet yams, limes, and cherries.

It's my mum's birthday today (first as a vegan!) and, though there are no cupcakes to show for it, here's a brightly colored salad. That's festive, right? If you squint your eyes it sort of looks like confetti. Confetti with beans... Happy birthday, Mom.

Fresh Corn Pico de Gallo
(dressed up here as a salad
with pinto beans, lettuce, and avocado)

I could eat this every damn day. It's certainly a summer dish, one that should be thrown together when you can find corn on the cob in season (or in your garden!) You can mix black or pinto beans into it for a little added protein.

Fresh Corn Pico de Gallo
makes 6-8 cups

2 ears yellow corn on the cob, husked
4 tomatoes, diced
1 sweet onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 bell pepper (orange, red, or green: you pick!)
2 cups finely shredded green cabbage
4 oz. pickled jalepenos, diced (reserve juice)
juice of 2 limes
salt and freshly ground pepper
large bunch cilantro, chopped

Bring salted water to a rolling boil. Cook corn for 8 min; remove and let cool until easily handled. Using a sharp knife, shave kernels from cob. Add fresh corn to large bowl with remaining ingredients. Salt and pepper to taste (though I recommend heavy on the pepper.) Let chill 4 hours or overnight. Tastes best next day. Serve with tortilla chips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you Maggie,

that was really cool. i would probably rather have the salad than a cupcake. Now, had you said cheesecake, that would be different.

i love you.
